Video Marketing v.s. Video Advertising

 In Brand Story, Branding, Business, Inbound Marketing, Marketing, Video Marketing

You’ve heard you ought to utilize video marketing in your marketing efforts, but what is video marketing and how do you get started?

What is Video Marketing?

First of all, we’ll share a video marketing definition. It’s pretty simple. Video marketing is just what it sounds like: To market something using video. You can market your company, your product, your service, an event-everything goes! When you’re using video, it’s video marketing! If you don’t know what video marketing is, don’t worry. As you read on for more clarity, we’ll dive into some concrete examples. 


Video Marketing v.s. Video Advertising

The terms video marketing and video advertising are often used interchangeably, but they don’t always necessarily refer to the same thing. To clear up any confusion, we wanted to take a minute to explain the difference. Video advertising is actually the paid component of video marketing. When you spend money to get a marketing video in front of a larger audience, it becomes video advertising‚ or a video ad. This includes anything from a social media ad to a YouTube pre-roll ad, television commercial, or any other type of paid ad unit that incorporates video.

Video ads are actually marketing videos because video advertising is component of video marketing. Video advertising, however, is not all marketing videos. Does that make sense? This is diagram that helps you visualize video marketing and video advertising crossover.

Why Video Marketing?

If you ask, “Why do I need video marketing for my company? “we’re here to let you know! The advantages of video marketing are huge. The inclusion of video in your marketing initiatives, from social media marketing to email marketing, website and blog content, is an effective way to drive everything from engagement to click-through, sales and more.

  • 93% of marketers surveyed in our 2018 marketer report said they’ve landed a new customer thanks to video on social media.
  • 88% of these marketers also said they’re satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social media.
  • Video is consumers’ #1 favorite type of content to see from brands on social media, according to a report this report 2018 consumer report.
  • Including video in email subject lines and content boosts open and click-through rates and reduces unsubscribes.
  • YouTube is the second largest search engine. Over a billion users are searching the platform, including your potential customers.
  • According to Outbrain, 87% of online marketers use video content.
  • Forbes reports that “viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it on video, compared to 10% when reading it in a text.”
  • Video on your website can help you appear higher in search results.




Video is also nice addition to marketing your content. You are likely to create content outside your main website, such as blog posts, articles or guides. Include video to make it more engaging when you create new written content!

Video Content Marketing

And remember, videos are pieces of content themselves. Marketing of video content as term is often used interchangeably with video marketing, especially when it refers to non – publicity parts of video marketing.



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